Showing posts with label angiospermas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angiospermas. Show all posts

June 10, 2023


LAST UPDATED IN 29.09.2024

In old classifications, other families endemic to a country were already recognized as valid. It is the case of Leiteriaceae Benth. (DELTA INTKEY), composed by Leitneria floridana Chapm. and L. pilosa J.A.Schrad. & W.R.Graves, known from Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia and Florida states in U.S.A., now united within Simaroubaceae (POWO); Duckeodendraceae Kuhlmann (DELTA-INTKEY), known only from Duckeodendron cestroides Kuhlmann, endemic to Amazon forest in Amazonas and Pará states in northern Brazil (GBIF), now under Solanaceae; and and Pterostemonaceae (Engl.) Small (DELTA-INTKEY), known from three species endemics to Mexico, now within Iteaceae (POWO).

Finally, some families are almost endemic of countries, such as Stegnospermataceae Nakai in Mexico (4 spp., all in Meexico, 3 endemics and one up to Central America and Caribbean, POWO), and Rhabdodendraceae Gilg. & Pilg. in Brazil (3 spp., all from Brazil, two endemics and one up to Guianas, Venezuela and Colombia, POWO), both Caryophyllales.